We love our Sunday morning gatherings. During our Sunday gathering, we gather collectively as God’s people to sing, sit under the Bible, and take the bread and cup together. We believe everyone should be connected and involved in our Sunday morning gatherings.
One apparent weakness of our gatherings is creating a sense of intimacy through sharing stories, pains, and experiences.
We believe HouseChurch is the best way to accomplish this.
HouseChurch is essentially our group setting. All throughout the Scriptures, we see God’s people meeting in homes and throughout the city. HouseChurch is place for community centered around Jesus. HouseChurch is a place to be listened to and to listen to others.
Our goal for HouseChurch is to Discipleship in Community.
Like the early Church, we know that both spiritual maturity and the community enjoyed by early disciples didn't happen in isolation - it happened beside others. We want to do the same.
When we join a HouseChurch, we make 3 commitments to ourselves and each other:
1. Attendance - By committing to attendance, we commit to one another and to our own spiritual growth.
2. Vulnerability - By committing to vulnerability, we commit to allow God beyond the superficial to mold the most important parts of ourselves.
3. Support/Confidentiality - By committing to support and confidentiality, we commit to protect one another while urging each other to pursue the truth of God.
Each week these small groups will be sharing stories and sharing the Scriptures with one another. If you would like to join a HouseChurch, please click the link below to complete the Google Form to be best placed within an available HouseChurch.