EXODUS 13:17-14:4, 14:10-20, 30-31
God is leading the Israelites to specific places and specific times so that they might see His glory and His provision, even after they have seen the 10 plagues and been released from slavery. His presence, the pillar of cloud and fire, did not depart from the people (13:22) and stood between them and the Egyptians (14:19-20), remaining with them.
Listen to the Holy Spirit and pray. Some things to help guide you:
Where is God currently leading you and how might you see His glory and provision? (13:17-18)
In what ways are you doubting God’s promises and His ability to work? (14:10-12) Bring these doubts and fears before God.
Where is God inviting you to step out, to go forward, in faith? (14:15)
God promised that He would bring the Israelites into a land overflowing with milk and honey and give this land to them (13:5, 11). He also promised that He would rescue the Israelites from slavery and have glory over the Egyptians, which the people witnessed. He commanded them to remember the Passover and tell it to their children so that they would know and trust in God’s promises.
Remember the promises that God has kept to you, the prayers He has answered, and give thanks to God (Ex 15)
Pray that God’s glory would be evident in the city and that people would come to know and believe in Him.
Pray for boldness to share the ways that God has worked in your life (14:13-14) that it would encourage those around you. Pray that you would fear the Lord more than anything else and believe He is always greater.